Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

Here we are at another birthday for this great country of ours!  This year has been an especially trying one to maintain  or regain our optimism for what's left of our great nation.

As we continue to hear about the declination of jobs, the economy and the overall pulse of society's disapproval of our country; we must not wane and give into what may seem like a hopeless battle.

This may seems like a relentless fight against a lingering storm and we all wish we could reach land or just some calmer waters.  For the most part, we're all just hanging on by our fingertips but some out here are hanging on by their fingerNAILS!

I am truly grateful to have a husband that believes in the fundamentals of hard work and every day gets up, puts on that rain gear and fights that hurricane force winds.  It would be so much easier to just give up and say "Oh well..." and let things happen to you.  At least I know if we go down; we'll always go down fighting.  I'm hoping things will look up and get better soon but without the bad we'll never know what good is...

Here's to a wonderful, safe and enjoyable 4th of July!  Remember to fly your flags high and remember all our military personnel and veterans that have served or are serving out there.  They keep us safe and free so we can wake up another day and do whatever, be whoever we want to be in this wonderful country...

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