Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Coming Soon ...!

My sister Cindy and her family will be visiting us this Friday weekend!  I'm really excited to see them all; it's been a while since we've gotten together.  I'm glad they were able to carve out a little bit of time for us this summer.  Everyone is growing up and older so fast I didn't want our next visit to be at each others funerals or something!

Unfortunately Alexa will not be joining them as she is quite busy with school and life at BYU of Idaho in Rexburg.  She's doing so well and I dare say she may even been having a bit of fun!

We decided that we would take them on an ATV excursion for the day while they're here.  I talked to her tonight on the phone and they're gamed; which is great!  I wasn't sure if they would be interested.

These guys have managed to raise some decent kids in this crazy world of ours.  They're smart, courteous and loving children.  I wonder what their secret is?...

I still remember holding Alexa and Zane when they were itty bitty babes; now they're pretty much adults.

Time sure does fly... ♥♥♥

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

Here we are at another birthday for this great country of ours!  This year has been an especially trying one to maintain  or regain our optimism for what's left of our great nation.

As we continue to hear about the declination of jobs, the economy and the overall pulse of society's disapproval of our country; we must not wane and give into what may seem like a hopeless battle.

This may seems like a relentless fight against a lingering storm and we all wish we could reach land or just some calmer waters.  For the most part, we're all just hanging on by our fingertips but some out here are hanging on by their fingerNAILS!

I am truly grateful to have a husband that believes in the fundamentals of hard work and every day gets up, puts on that rain gear and fights that hurricane force winds.  It would be so much easier to just give up and say "Oh well..." and let things happen to you.  At least I know if we go down; we'll always go down fighting.  I'm hoping things will look up and get better soon but without the bad we'll never know what good is...

Here's to a wonderful, safe and enjoyable 4th of July!  Remember to fly your flags high and remember all our military personnel and veterans that have served or are serving out there.  They keep us safe and free so we can wake up another day and do whatever, be whoever we want to be in this wonderful country...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What's happened to marriage?

It's been a really tough and strange year around here.  We've been hearing a lot about people divorcing and lots of infidelity within marriages.  I believe the economy has done in a few of those marriages but the latest is a couple we know through some friends and the story goes, she found out that he's been cheating on her and not just recently but pretty much throughout their whole marriage which I believe spans at least 15 years.

Not to mention the damage it does to the relationship itself but just the sheer health risks involved when you mess around outside your marriage.  We're not talking about just one woman but  multiple women and ones you pay money for as well.  It's so sad and disgusting the lack of respect we as a society seem to have for the sanctity of marriage anymore.  We all I think, hide what's really going on behind those closed doors every day and night.  What seems to be a perfect union is anything but; however you should finish one chapter before beginning another.  What would you do if you knew about one party cheating; do you tell the other?  Are you obligated in some ways to notify the other?  It's not a huge surprise apparently that this particular husband was cheating and has cheated but no one said anything to her...  I would hope that someone would give me a bit of a heads up; but then the argument goes that she probably had a clue about it.  I am aware of one other situation for another couple that has occurred but I didn't say anything either...it's a hard decision to make.  To stir the pot or not... or is ignorance bliss?...

I have no reason to not trust my spouse but am I just fooling myself too?  I'm a consummate believer that just when things seem to be going so perfect; the rug gets pulled right out from under you!  That's my pessimistic side coming out.  It seems to not be that big of a deal around here to go outside your marriage to take care of what's lacking.  I think my views are pretty old fashion some would say but I don't think I could live with the shame or look at my children in the eyes if I did anything like that but that's just my thinking.  

The stakes are too high and is it really worth it?  It makes you reevaluate your own marriage and ask is it strong enough?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

50, it's just a number....right?

We celebrated our neighbor and friend, Jim Hormberg's 50th Birthday this Friday.  It was a surprise his wife Mary put together with a couple months of planning.

I have to say I thought for sure he knew what was going on and wouldn't be too surprised but he swore up and down that he was totally clueless!
All in all, it was a nice 60 peeps or so guests in our cul-de-sac; complete with a roasted pig and of course, lots of booze and music!  

It seems so strange that I can relate more to someone that's 50 or older than I can with a 20 or 30 something.  That number is not that far off for me...about 8 years, which goes by pretty fast these days.  I'm not afraid other than the fact that I will actually look and feel older than 50 when I'm there!  So far, I don't even feel 42 and have been told I don't look it either...so there may be hope but I am seeing some wrinkles on my forehead creeping in! Ughhhhh!!

What a milestone and one where you might do a little reflection I would think.  Such thoughts as ; have I done everything I wanted to do so far?  You know how popular bucket lists are these days!  However, more importantly I think, what have I done or put out into this world, during my time here so far and has it been positive and beneficial to anyone or anything?  I think we all want to feel a sense of purpose while we're here for what really is a moment in time, a glimpse...

Perhaps that's my real fear...not so much the age of 50 or older but that I had no effect on anyone.  I have good intentions and try to help when I can but sometimes it just doesn't seem to matter or change the universal theory of karma or an action equal a reaction.  What if I don't find what my purpose is...?  Is this something everyone knows eventually?  I may be the oddball here...What is your purpose?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just let us choose how we want to go

In less than an hour, death row inmate, Ronnie Lee Gardner will be executed by a firing squad in the State of Utah for a crime he committed in 1985 and has spent the last 25 years on death row.  The controversy isn't the crime he committed anymore but the method he has chosen to die by.

It's bad enough most of our rights are slowly being taken away but even at our "death bed" we still can't do what we want and have our wishes granted.

Most inmates make their peace with their God and have their come Jesus moment while serving time.  I'm sure Ronnie has done his share and then some in the 25 years that he's been locked up.  What and who in society keeps feeling the need to stick their noses into everything we do, want or say?

We have a Catholic priest in Utah quoted saying idiotic things like,  "Guns are bad and it's the cause of this execution and how inhumane it is."  It's actually an end to the means.  What are we keeping these "people" around for?  So they can live better than our homeless at our expense?

"What is so bad about an eye for an eye...?

A Day with Little Man

Evan and I had the wonderful opportunity of hanging out together, just the two of us.  I really enjoy the one on one with my boys!  He helped me with some shopping at Costco just to get a few things...yea right! Who goes into Costco with just a few things!

I don't think it's humanly possible to buy just a thing or two there.  For us, a family of four we can't and do not use half of what these guys have to offer.

We did check out their book selection and their prices were very reasonable as always but it's always going to have to be the non perishable items we go for.

Then there's the occasional don't really need but want item that tempts you into coming out of there $300 poorer.  We went in for two or three things and ended up with at least 15-20 I think...oops!!

Evan wanted to go to Arby's for lunch; ahhh, the memories of my first job!  This is one of the crappiest looking Arby's and it would be the only one we have in our town.  It must be nice to have a monopoly on the roast beef franchise in one city.  I still love the taste of that roast beef though...! 

Didn't matter though we had a great time and he ate all his lunch!  It was still fun just to be with him. 

My Karate Kid! ♥

What are young girls thinking these days?...

I just saw this story on CBS this morning and can't help wonder what our young girls in society are thinking these days.

Apparently the famous celebrity blogger Perez Hilton posted a picture of an underage 17 year old Miley Cyrus getting into a car in a skirt without any underwear (remember the infamous picture s of Queen Britney?). He then proceeded to blast it on his website and claims it was to teach her a lesson on how to get into a car more "lady like".

I think it's completely tasteless to capture anyone without their knowledge in such a fashion; whether you're famous or not. However, as a celebrity of Miley's caliber you have to hold them somewhat accountable as well. I understand that a lot of people out there feel that it's more comfortable to go commando, male or female, but let's be a little more discreet about it!

These days it seems like anything goes anymore and as shocking as this may be to some; is it really that out of the norm for today's society? Should Miley be allowed any recourse? She did send out the invitation herself, right?

Keep in mind that Miley is also desperately trying to shed her "little girl" image. Whether it's through her music or pictures she's taken of herself. We are almost numb to how lax our society has gotten but should we openly allow bloggers or anyone to photograph us in such a way for just any reason?....or maybe we should be teaching our young ladies a bit about discretion.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

One Down, One to Go!

Hard to believe but another school year has come and gone! Evan graduated Wednesday from Kindergarten...yes, just kindergarten. It's like starting all over again cause...we are! It's been a really great year for him and myself cause I had the chance to work in his classroom quite a bit this year and he had an awesome teacher!  It was such a cute program  she put together, I know the kids enjoyed it.  On top of that, she burned discs for all the parents with a slide show to music and pictures of all the kids throughout the school year.  It took a lot to not cry but luckily there were a lot of funny pictures to keep us laughing more than anything!

A few of the moms put together refreshments and eats for the graduation.  It was very well done.  The group of moms we've had were fantastic, everyone was just so nice and friendly...unlike the typical "Parker" ladies.  Just down to earth and fun to work with!

Evan made a lot of friends in his class and all the kids were so sweet and a joy to work with.  Yes, even the girls were tolerable.  It's a long road for these little ones but as long as they have a lot fun along the way then it'll be OK!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Here it is again...Monday

It's a sure thing...Mondays! As we sit here and have breakfasts together with our boys so they can get ready for school I know we all long for one more "weekend" day. Just as fast as the past week had gone by the weekend went by even faster.

I decided to make the boys some french toasts for breakfast. They're old enough to make their own cereal nowadays but I thought it would be nice to have something different! It's a great time to connect with them before they leave for the "institution"!

I on the other hand enjoy just a hot cup of tea. I've never been a huge breakfast person but with this new year we're going to try and eat more healthy and perhaps a little less too!

It seems like it will never happen but I'm also trying to get more exercise in and realized how out of shape I really was!! It's hard to believe that I use to spring around like it was nothing. Kurt got us the Wii Fit for Christmas and it's been a lot of fun to do and play with; which keeps your interest a bit. I just hope I can keep up the routine!

Welcome Monday!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's 2010...Can you believe it?

As we approach the middle of January it is still hard to believe that it's the year 2010 and I've made it another year! The kids are getting older and we're definitely getting older that's a given. 2009 has been filled with many wonderful times and events that we're so grateful for and not soon forget.

I can't help but realize that we are also here for such a short time; really just a glimpse. I love my family and still can't believe how blessed I have been. What are your resolutions as we approach a new decade? It is still in question how we would address this decade...strange, never thought we'd get here!

In a couple of months we will join Steve and Kristal in Puerto Vallarta for a few days in the sun. Kurt and Steve will actually be there a week before Kristal and I for the boys portion of the trip. The Bays own a timeshare and traded them for two units in PV and decided it would be fun if the girls joined them for the last portion of it. It was a great surprise and I'm excited to go.

Steve's mom Judy has offered to watch our boys while we're away - couldn't ask for more generosity than that! She is such a sweet lady and the boys will be in good hands I know!

Jared is getting ready to turn 12 next month! I still can't believe it. He's made a good friend this year in his class. His name is Colton with a little brother Garrett who is 9. Colton and Jared have a shared interest in airsoft guns and his family also enjoys camping and hunting. They seem like a really nice couple. It's hard enough finding kids that comes from a good family with manners and are courteous let alone a family of boys! So it's been a win and win situation.

Jared is still active in his school band program playing the trumpet and looks forward to practice every Tuesday and Friday. Starting next Wednesday he will be taking a Jazz appreciation class; which will be exciting to introduce him to the world of jazz through instruments.

Mrs. O'Connor, his band teacher has been very motivational for him and seem to appreciate his presence in class; which is more than I can say for his room teacher. I think certain people just shouldn't teach if you like playing favorites...

Evan has enjoyed being in Mrs. Pierces kindergarten class even though we worried he would be bored academically. However he has really embraced being around his friends in class and out of class and the activities given. We invited a few of his friends to his birthday party back in October and really enjoyed having them there. We found he could also use a little brushing up on some handwriting, math skills and reading comprehension; so kindergarten is not a total waste of
time as I thought it might have been.

We will however be taking a welcome break from Northeast for a while and hope by the time Evan goes there it will be better and we'll have a new outlook on it.

As I close this entry I ask what will you do differently this year? There are the obvious personal physical and health goals but as a person of humanity I will be a more pleasant person, not talk about people so much especially in mixed company and try harder to go with the flow...!

Lastly, my main goal is to talk to and find people that are REAL. No hidden agendas, no lying but to speak with tact, how one really sees things and/or feels. I'm at a point right now where it somehow seems important to live this way.

Happy New Year !