Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just let us choose how we want to go

In less than an hour, death row inmate, Ronnie Lee Gardner will be executed by a firing squad in the State of Utah for a crime he committed in 1985 and has spent the last 25 years on death row.  The controversy isn't the crime he committed anymore but the method he has chosen to die by.

It's bad enough most of our rights are slowly being taken away but even at our "death bed" we still can't do what we want and have our wishes granted.

Most inmates make their peace with their God and have their come Jesus moment while serving time.  I'm sure Ronnie has done his share and then some in the 25 years that he's been locked up.  What and who in society keeps feeling the need to stick their noses into everything we do, want or say?

We have a Catholic priest in Utah quoted saying idiotic things like,  "Guns are bad and it's the cause of this execution and how inhumane it is."  It's actually an end to the means.  What are we keeping these "people" around for?  So they can live better than our homeless at our expense?

"What is so bad about an eye for an eye...?

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